The Journey to Socialism – Control – Control and more Control

This is a repeat of a blog I wrote about eight months ago.

In 1968 when I was a Freshman in College the Hong Kong Flu broke out and was a worldwide pandemic, and 1 to 4 million people died in the world and about 200,000 to 300,000 in the United States. The Hong Kong flu was basically treated like any other flu, that is allowed to run it’s course, and then it was over. During those years the big fuss was the Vietnam war and the flu was a minor issue. Though many died and got sick, there was no quarantine, no travel restrictions, no masks, and I never missed church. Some would say that if it hadn’t been for the Government’s restrictions that this present Pandemic would have been much worse, we will never know the answer to that, but based on recent findings, I doubt that to be true. The problem is that those who communicate the news are so agenda driven, prone to overhyping everything, and outright lying it is very hard to know exactly what is true.

But in the midst of swirling hype, exaggeration, and lies I do know eight things to be true;

1. What I do know to be true is that governments always move in the direction of controlling the lives of people, and then over control. Studying world history and the various world empires, the Egyptian Empire, the Babylonian Empire under Nebuchadnezzar, the Persian Empire, the Greek Empire under Alexander the Great, the Roman Empire under the various Ceasars, Germany under Hitler, Stalin and then the Soviet Union, and dozens of other repressive governments that exist today demonstrate that governments all move in the direction of controlling the lives of the people that it is over.

2. Another thing I know to be true is that Governments almost always attempt to control people by creating fear. The media created a huge level of fear in a short amount of time, which fed on itself, which created a mass hysteria that caused people to almost immediately fall in line with all of the rules with little fussing even though our Constitutional Rights were violated to the max.

3. Another thing that I know to be true is that Governments will always eventually move to control people by controlling the economy and the availability of life-sustaining resources. I think it is called socialism.

4. Another thing I know to be true is that Government always wants to expand geographically, control more land, more area. Historically this has happened by wars, but the current method is through politics; the political push is towards Globalism rather than Nationalism. The ”Beast”, the Anti-christ will be a world wide ruler.

5. Another thing I know to be true is that amid this movement of governments to control the lives of people that disunity and hatred will grow stronger and stronger between people, even in families and churches. In the words of Jesus in Matthew 24:10, ”At that time many will fall away and will betray one another and hate one another.”

6. Another thing that I know to be true is that all Governments sooner or later begin to resist and attempt to control the spread of Christianity than oppose it than persecute it.

7. Another thing I know to be true is that the reason for all of this is stated in Ephesians 6:12; ”For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

8. One last thing I know to be true is that Jesus is going to return one of these days and establish His Kingdom on the earth and then righteousness will reign.

4 thoughts on “The Journey to Socialism – Control – Control and more Control

  1. jonah nail

    Amen Brother!
    I really appreciate your blog and what you write, I feel the same way you do and it is very frustrating, that is why I love your constant reminders of who is really the Victor. I pray for you all the time, thank you for all you do.


  2. Barbara J Regas

    Praying for you, family & congregation. Actually, I’m holding all Bible believing pastors & congregations up to our Lord. We need strong pastors to lead. I attend 1st Salem Baptist on Saturday evening. I’m so excited to attend your special class on Sundays. I strongly appreciate your strength and wisdom and Lord willing will continue to attend your Sunday class. May God bless America.



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