Coronavirus Is Changing Things

I believe with all my heart, mind, and soul that heaven is a very real place and I am going to live there forever. I believe that the Lake of Fire is a very real place as well and many of the people I know and care about are going to be tormented there forever and ever. I am going to heaven forever because I have believed in Jesus Christ, trusted Him as my personal savior, and I am following Him as my Lord. I now have the responsibility to share the good news of the free gift of salvation

All of a sudden the number of people that I can have a face to face conversation with is reduced down to mostly immediate family, so how do I share the gospel with people now? The Apostle Paul was a preacher and a church planter with amazing energy and toughness traveling all over the known world on 3 missionary journeys, but he also spent much time in jail because of his faith. While he was in jail he wrote letters back to the churches he had planted and to pastors he had mentored. Paul’s method of evangelism changed when his circumstances changed. The greatest work of Paul is what we have in the New Testament that he wrote teaching us how to know God and live for Him.

So I have made writing my primary method of sharing the good news with as many people as possible. I write my blog every day, praying diligently that God will help me to grow in my writing skill, and that He will give me great wisdom to know what to write and how to write it so people’s minds are captured and their hearts are changed. I also pray everyday that God will prompt people to read my blog, more and more.

So tomorrow I will tell you what has been my most important tool in writing.

2 thoughts on “Coronavirus Is Changing Things

  1. Vicki Caldwell

    So what is it Pastor Dee? Most well respected Christian leaders I’ve seen on tv a few plus weeks ago (in that short time, alot has changed with the virus and I haven’t kept up) but when listening to them, not one of them felt this virus was anything prophetic if I can use that word? I feel like it’s a pretty huge thing getting the whole world’s attention. Nothing in our lifetime has ever happened like this, has it? Yet I feel like our Christian leaders are saying it’s nothing. Am I I misunderstanding? I feel, everyone feels this is pretty BIG. I ask the Lord, what is going on. I just feel like He’s in it somehow. Am I off base that much? Thank you.


    1. deefduke Post author

      Vicki, I am not sure that it is prophetic, in that it is written about in the Bible as a marker or a sign. I do believe that it is a judgment from God, and His intent is that people will turn to God. I blogged a couple days ago about that. It does seem like there is an upswing in spiritual interests on the part of people around us. We will see. See



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