Trial and Error in my Goal Setting

As I set my goals and make plans for the future I am downsizing a bit. Mostly on the physical goals. I tend to do that after repeated failures and evaluate thoughtfully the “why” of the failure. I had three successive failures at climbing Mt Adam’s before I declared that a thing of the past in my life. I failed to complete the last half marathon I did 10 years ago and the most recent several months ago I didn’t get past the training for it so my running days are also over. I no longer ride a motorcycle. I can walk but walking much on uneven ground is risky without a walking stick so I am planning hunting trips accordingly. I can’t pull my bow back any more so I am going to give it away. Sleeping on the ground in a tent is a major challenge any more so I am giving that stuff away as well, and I will probably turn down invitations to hunt in Alaska with my son-in-law as well, though, there isn’t much that enjoy as much as a moose hunting trip. A cot will work and of course Motels or Motorhome’s. Fishing has few limitations so no downsizing there, I will probably increase fishing time to make up for reductions in other areas.

My brain seems to still work fine, I enjoy reading, studying, and writing so teaching will continue with some extra rest between events for energy loss.

I do enjoy 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night now! Lazy old man🙄Though, I will make major sacrifices there for fishing time.

I am going to make time with my wife, kids, grandkids, and friends a major priority.

I still enjoy working on cars, building things, projects around the house, and I am thinking about taking up gardening, or raising pigs.

I am planning a bicycle trip next year to Fairbanks, Alaska. I have lots of time to work out details to make it an enjoyable and doable goal. Let me know if you want to go. It is the most beautiful trip in the world.

1 thought on “Trial and Error in my Goal Setting

  1. Ken Bentz

    Well here I am again. I usually just read, enjoy and move on. But this one again deserves a response. After reading your msg I googled Toby Keith and Don’t Let the Old Man In. Now you and I are both the same age and more than likely “closet” Eastwood fans, tho I came outa the closet years ago. I hope some day I’m not judged too harshly for having seen most of Dirty Harry movies multiple times. And Mule more than once. Anyways, there’s a short story about Toby and Clint golfing together and Toby writing that song. If you don’t know it, it’s worth it to watch it on YouTube. But I was so motivated after your blog and that song I went outside and got some work done around here. Have a great Saturday.
    To the journey. Ken Bentz

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