Headed Home

I fell twice yesterday on my bike while stopping. The load I am carrying is 70 lbs and makes it cumbersome to balance when I slow down to stop, and over the bike goes! I took a ton of ibuprofen during the night but I woke up this morning at 4:00 am barely able to make it to the bathroom. So I texted a friend and he is going to drive over and pick me up. Cliff and Kathy left without me this morning, story of my life😀 though I didn’t feel so bad when I rolled over and went back to sleep when they left. I am in the Oasis Cafe in Juntura, Oregon, now, 58 miles East of Burns, drinking coffee and eating breakfast. This is one of those cafe’s that is insulted if you eat everything on your plate. I figured my ride would get here about noon and I will finally have my breakfast all eaten!

Patty, my wife has fallen several times in the last couple of days going down a couple of stairs so I am in good company. Cliff and Kathy called me Patty yesterday after my second fall. But I must say, that I gave her more sympathy yesterday when she told me of her latest tumble than she gave me this morning when I called her at 5:00 am 😩. Though I did suggest to her that she needed to start using a Walker to get around. Oh well, such is married life🥰

I am feeling old, frail, and wimpy this morning, oh well, such is life at 75. Can’t wait until I hit 85 like my good friend Lloyd. I am going to help out in the “Seniors Ministry” at JBC next year, I will be a natural!

As I take this journey of life I wonder what some of the highlights will be coming up in the days ahead. Lots of adventures, I hope, but easier ones where I don’t fall down so much. As people I know die, I wonder how I will go. I was thinking a car might hit me while I was riding my bike, several honked at me yesterday, but that won’t happen now.

I trust God with every fiber of my being and I know that He is in charge. Life may be hard at times, but it is all an adventure because I am going to heaven someday, soon I hope.

3 thoughts on “Headed Home

  1. Ken Bentz

    Well Pastor Duke…I hate to say this but it is entirely possible the Old Man is finally coming out in you. As a follower of Jesus first, your blogs, and one who had PD and has apparently been healed from that awful disease, I can only recommend you stick close by your wife these days, if she’s taken a few tumbles. I am fully aware of the Providence of God and I may be slightly even more Calvinistic in my thoughts than you are, but when my wife took her final tumble and she went to meet Jesus about 10 days later, I was within 25 feet of her incident, and have lived with the fact I may have been able to prevent that last fall. Now granted, she was stricken with PD, vertigo, and dementia, so our last 5-6 months together were not the easiest in our 54 years together, and knowing God has a plan, I am still grateful I was close, but still wishing I’d been closer. I will never be sorry I stayed with her, in our house, or with a caregiver, as we dealt with all the things God’s Providence threw at us. I became a humble, patient, loving and caring man and daily went thru Peter’s Checklist (2 Peter 1:3-11), in order to better serve my wife. Those events changed my life forever.

    God bless and protect you in your journey.

    Ken Bentz


    1. deefduke Post author

      Thank you for your thoughtful reply to my blog. I am sorry for your loss, and impressed with your care and love for your wife. Patty and I have been married 54 years as well.



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