
I have identified 26 different character traits in the Bible that I need to work on so that I can become more and more like Jesus in character. James 1:4 says, “That you may become perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” That doesn’t mean sinless but grown up in character, like Jesus. As I read down the list of character traits and think about myself, some of them I am strong in, but others need some work. Another thing about this list is that some are more emphasized in the Bible; they are important to God. The character trait mentioned most when talking about Jesus is His humility. So, obviously, if I want to become like Him, I should work hard on that. Philippians 2 is the perfect description and definition of humility in the life of Jesus in the Bible. It says in Philippians 2:5, “Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus,” speaking of His humility.

Humility is all about how we treat people. A humble person puts others ahead of themselves. The most significant place we struggle is in how we talk to other people. The most effective guide for us as we strive to be humble is to elevate others, build their self-worth, and honor them. Humble people don’t think about themselves and what they want or need; they think about those around them and what they need. Sometimes, we believe that to be humble, we need to put ourselves down; no, we need to lift others. We don’t do that by making things up that aren’t true or flattering others, but we are “good finders,” we train ourselves to see the positive, the good, and the accomplishments in others, and we affirm them with our words.

When we work hard at exalting others, God will exalt us, but if we exalt ourselves, He will humble us.

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