Mom Resurrected

About noon today Patty texted me with a picture of Mom sleeping, and under the picture she wrote, “taken this morning”. I took it to mean that the Lord had taken Mom, that she had died. I was outside working on my car when I got the text so I went in the house and sat down in my chair and started humming, ” I’ll Fly Away”, then I started praying, thanking the Lord for my Mom, and then I started crying like a baby. After a bit I called Patty, and when I started to talk to her I got all choked up and she said, “What’s wrong?” And I am thinking, ” What do you mean, what’s wrong”, and I said, “Didn’t Mom just die?” And Patty said, “no, she is sleeping and very comfortable”. I said, “You texted me that Mom was taken this morning”, and she said, “The picture of her sleeping was taken this morning”. Oh great, I have to go through that all over again! I guess you can call that a practice grieving.

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